Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Does Simon Constable Have A Beef With Gold?

It is often noted by subscribers of Bill Murphy's website that Simon Constable represents the worst in precious metals market news commentary. Constable's main gig is at, where he offers summary stories on precious metals trading and occasional "investigative" pieces.
Numerous people have complained that Constable presents gold and silver analysis in a consistent negative frame. For example, last May Peter Grandich informed Constable that no further interviews would be granted. Grandich was frustrated by Constable's lack of journalistic integrity. "I believe my original interview was twisted by him to suit a bearishness and/or dislike he has had for gold ever since he started interviewing me some time ago." (see the May 29, 2007 Grandich "alert" published in PDF format - click here.)
Adrian Douglas at often jokes about his "moron of the year" award for worst precious metals market coverage, with Constable frequently the leading candidate. Upon seeing this, our first reaction was to assume this was rather mean spirited. But Constable's consistent use of bearish framing on almost all of his stories in the least makes it fair to question his assumed journalistic objectivity.
Now, we have the latest gem from Constable: a video story mocking Ron Paul and the Liberty Dollar. It was released on December 21st., 2007. Click here for site and video.
It's not clear when the video was produced. But for many weeks, Ron Paul liberty dollars have been trading on eBay for over $100, the result of the federal government shutting down the offices of the Liberty Dollar. Constable mocks Paul's stance on the Federal Reserve and then proceeds to try to get a shoe shine, hot dog and other goods and services for a Ron Paul $20 silver coin. At no time does Constable explain that silver is trading at almost $15 per ounce. In the least, we assume the hot dog vendor would have taken the coin assuming he was like any other gruff New Yorker with basic knowledge of getting paid more than his asking price. The fact that average people have no idea what an ounce of silver is worth has nothing to do with Ron Paul and everything to do with why the current bull market in precious metals is going to make the last one look tiny in comparison.
Constable makes no effort to tell his man-on-the-street compatriots that the coin is trading on eBay at over $100. Again, perhaps this was recorded well before the coin's value skyrocketed. We simply don't know. But it's clear that the video was released long after the coin skyrocketed in value, and it's clear that Constable is framing the discussion and presentation of this "investigative reporting" piece to purposely cast a negative light on not only Ron Paul, but the idea of questioning the value of the US dollar, and maybe even the value of silver itself.
Members of have been right all along. While it might be harsh to mock Constable, there can be no doubt that Constable consistently elevates bearish points of view on everything gold and silver.
For readers interested in a constantly updated sampling of news and editorials on precious metals and markets in general, we recommend visiting the "dispatches" page at The page is edited by professional newsman Chris Powell, the Secretary/Treasurer of Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. and the managing editor of the "Journal Inquirer" in Manchester, Connecticut. Mr. Powell does a wonderful job bringing together important stories that often fail to reach mainstream status. Click here to visit the "dispatches" page.
ADDENDUM: It has come to our attention published a Simon Constable article today that just so happens to report exclusively on the 2008 projections of gold bulls. While the timing of the latest article is certainly ironic, we stand by our observations in the above essay. We will let the weight of Mr. Constable's past coverage speak for itself. If he's turning over a new page towards greater objectivity, all the better.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Holidays!
To all of our friends celebrating Christmas, we wish you a joyous holiday. Happy holidays and all the best in the coming year to you all!
The updated portfolio table appears below. We've generated a return of 10.85% since the portfolio's November 15th inception - a strong performance given overall market conditions.
This will likely be our last post for 2007. In the first week of January we will present our forecast for the coming year. 2008 should prove to be a challenge. We're looking forward to it! Join us on a profitable adventure.
All the best,
Investor Intelligentsia

Profile, Disclosure, Compliance and Disclaimer: Click Here
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Portfolio Update: Up 9.05% Since Nov. 15th Inception
Portfolio Accounting Update
Pediment Exploration: On December 19th, our limit order for another 2000 shares at C$2.70 executed. C$2.70 was the low for the previous day, but in the real world it would be rare to get a fill at the bid. The price jump on Friday and return to slightly higher volume suggest that tax loss selling may be over in Pediment. Time will tell. Our point was not to attempt to grab the exact bottom for our additional shares, but merely to add exposure. This time next year, we will not be surprised to see the stock trading at more than twice current levels. Pediment will be recorded in the model portfolio table with a Canadian purchase price of C$2.70 per share, multiplied by 0.9954, which was the opening exchange rate for Canadian/US dollars. Thus, the US basis price is $2.68758.
Agrium, Inc.: 100 shares were purchased at the market open on the NYSE. The portfolio table basis per share will be recorded as $62.55 per share.
Hanfeng Evergreens: 300 shares were purchased at the market open on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Trading opened at C$13.13. We will multiply this Canadian basis by 1.004, which was the opening exchange rate for Canadian/US dollars. Thus, the US basis price is $13.18252
AGCO Corp.: 100 shares were purchased at the market open on the NYSE. The portfolio table basis per share will be recorded as $68.69 per share.
Transocean, Inc.: 100 shares were purchased at the market open on the NYSE. The portfolio table basis per share will be recorded as $137 per share.

Profile, Disclosure, Compliance and Disclaimer: Click Here
Friday, December 21, 2007
Portfolio Update: Spreading Manure For Growth

Santa Claus Rally?
Was that Santa darting across the sky this early morning? It sure appears global markets have begun to flirt with a better late than never "Santa Claus Rally." We've seen reasonably strong gains across almost the entire world. In fact, trading in the last 24 hours shows the first global embrace of risk and return to equities since the disappointing Fed rate cut announcement and continued conflicting statements by Federal Reserve Board governors. Previously, one region would rally while another spent the follow-up session digesting the latest toxic paper write-off. Odds are, we'll have some carry through for a few days. That should be a refreshing change. Hey, hedge fund managers need to tweak their performance records. It's bonus time.
Global growth in 2008 is an open question. We are in the camp that believes the US will experience a modest recession, and that in fact it probably has already started - certainly the case if one accurately accounts for inflation, unlike the US government. Nevertheless, there are industries that should perform well no matter the 2008 global economic backdrop. Agriculture ranks high on the list, and the closer one gets to the farm as either a producer, input provider or efficiency enhancer the better.

Portfolio Update: Farm Equipment, Fertilizer & Deep Sea Drilling
On the open, we will add the following positions:
- Agrium Inc. (AGU: NYSE): 100 shares, market price
- Hanfeng Evergreen Inc. (HF: Toronto): 300 shares, market price
- AGCO Corp. (AG: NYSE): 100 shares, market price
- Transocean Inc. (RIG: NYSE): 100 shares, market price
Agrium is a large diversified North American fertilizer company. Its shares reflect a lower relative valuation to industry peers, in part due to its diversified operations and the fact that the company has a lower profile as a Canadian-based company. The stock is attractive at the current quote. Going forward, we expect the shares to close the valuation gap with peers.
Hanfeng Evergreen is one of the largest producers and distributors of fertilizer in China. It has the opportunity to increase market share and sales will likely maintain a compound annual growth rate well in excess of 30% over the next five years. The shares trade at about 21 times 2008 earnings, reflecting a healthy discount for the highly competitive market it serves and favorable taxes. The stock is undervalued and less well known among US institutional investors. It would not be surprising to see the stock turn in at least 50% upside over the course of 2008.
AGCO Corp. is a leading US-based farm equipment manufacturer. Deer & Co. recently reported stellar earnings and we believe AGCO's next earnings report will leave analyst estimates in the dust. AGCO has yet to see the type of multiple expansion investors afford Deer. Simply put, the shares are far from pricing in a multi-year bull market in agriculture. The next earnings report should accelerate the stock's advance.
Transocean Inc. is the world leader in deep ocean drilling. In the years ahead, a greater percentage of global oil production will be sourced from deep sea fields. Transocean trades at about ten times 2008 earnings. To be perfectly blunt, this is an absurd valuation. Institutional investors are terrified the global deep sea drilling market will go soft in 2009 or 2010. Given global decline rates of existing super giant fields and limited ability to increase capacity by conventional means, the world simply has no choice but to make extensive efforts to develop more difficult to obtain oil resources. The phenomena commonly referred to as "Peak Oil" is not a theory. It's a scientific fact, with the only real debate focused on the timing and nature of peak. Deep sea drilling will continue to play a critical role in procuring global energy supply and we believe it's not likely drill ship capacity will become an issue until well after 2012.
We will provide further updates and fundamental analysis on agriculture and the energy sector in the days and weeks ahead.
Portfolio Accounting Note: Pediment Position Doubled
Our order to buy an additional 2000 shares of Pediment Exploration executed this week. All of the above positions will be formally entered into the portfolio table within the next blog posting.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Portfolio Balancing Act: Up 5.66%, S&P 500 Unchanged

It's high time for a portfolio tracking update and more regular posting. The development of the blog and other services planned for the near future will evolve at a much faster rate going forward. Stay tuned. Catching up with some unfinished business, the official accounting entries of established positions appear below. All orders executed exactly as outlined in previous blog postings.
Gold positions have been a bit of a bummer, but overall portfolio performance kicked off a net gain of 5.66% between November 15th and December 14th. During the same period, the S&P 500 opened at 1,468.04 and closed last Friday at 1,467.95, for a rounding error loss of 0.09 points. Let's call it "unchanged" for the period. Market volatility has been absolutely wicked during this period, making the S&P's unchanged status for the period highly ironic.
All things considered, the model portfolio has turned in a satisfactory performance, with a strategic asset allocation creating a balance that has so far managed to weather overall market turmoil. Other than minor losses in China Life and Dianna Shipping, downside has been exclusively seen in precious metals focused positions.

Lesson From Livermore
The legendary speculator Jesse Livermore famously said, "Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon." Livermore understood his greatest profits came when he identified a trend and stuck to his convictions. Separating noise from a true change in a long-term trend is often more art than science. Indeed, sitting tight can be excruciatingly painful -- even downright lonely. No one ever said being a contrarian would be easy. But outsized profits are seldom had following the herd. The long-term bull market in gold and bear market in the US Dollar remain in place. Livermore might have "lightened-up" around the edges of trading positions, but we'd be so bold as to suggest he'd see this as but one more time where sitting tight is the most wise disposition.

Gold and Silver: Fundamentals Have Only Grown Stronger
Talk of Russian, Chinese, OPEC and other central bank diversification out of the US Dollar and into gold caught the market's imagination in 2005. Many will recall the famous Putin photo-op signaling the Russian central bank's reserves management shift. Don't believe the theater recently staged by Saudi Arabia for the benefit of providing political cover for the Gulf States. 2008 will see further movement among OPEC countries away from the dollar. The rise of titanic sovereign wealth funds will also serve to channel US dollars into real assets as China and other countries seek to diversify their foreign exchange holdings while securing strategic assets vital to their economic development. Above all else, bailing out the global financial system from the mortgage-backed asset credit crunch will prove to be a highly inflationary process.
In the short-term, we have seen the Canadian and UK central banks lower interest rates at a time when coordinated action to support the US Dollar is most helpful. Central banks have also acted in coordinated fashion to manage the rise of gold. The ECB dumped 42 tonnes of gold on to the market in November; all things considered, the fact that gold barely moved in the face of that onslaught just testifies to the power of the bull trend.
We've also seen the short-term impact of higher CPI and PPI inflation reports motivating currency traders to take the view that the US Fed will be less quick to cut rates going forward - a short-term positive arrow in the dollar bull's quiver. This is nothing but noise. The dollar may very well stage a short-term bounce that lasts for up to three months. That is what happened the last time dollar bearish sentiment became too excessive in the Dec. 2004 period. On balance, during 2008 the US Dollar will likely lose at least 15% vs. major trading currencies. Worse still, almost all major currencies will decline in value vis-a-vis gold as global central banks conduct a coordinated campaign to deal with the credit market crisis.
Anytime one can identify the causal factors behind the decline in a position or sector, it's possible to determine if "sitting tight" remains a fundamentally sound investment decision. At present, gold and silver shares are down for very specific reasons. November marked a near-term speculative peak that was capped by modest excessive bearishness in the dollar bear camp, but importantly, contrary to mainstream media representation we didn't see excessive bullish sentiment directly in gold nor silver. web traffic statistics clearly demonstrate that the level of relative excitement among the general public investigating gold prices at the internet's leading precious metals quotation site prove in absolute quantitative terms that November's peak in the gold shares came at a time when far fewer investors were participating in the gold move. In fact, the last 18 months have marked a long and painful consolidation period, for the most part, where investors were punished by dreadful performance among "junior" gold and silver shares.
Tax loss selling is now upon us, adding insult to injury. Once again, the shares of "junior" companies are among those getting hit the hardest. This is to be expected given the poor level of investment sentiment throughout the sector and losses sustained in many of these shares earlier in the year. It's impossible to call the exact bottom, but within the next week or two, specific shares reverse and ultimately toss off gains of 30% on average for the entire sector over the coming three months - with many specific companies doubling or better.
We will be adding additional exposure to the junior gold and silver market sector in the days ahead. For now, we will establish an open order to buy an additional 2000 shares of Pediment Exploration at C$2.70. This order will be good until canceled. We will take no action on Carpathian Gold at this time. Tax loss selling in Carpathian has been particularly vicious, and investors are also apparently drawing unjust conclusions on the company's desire to add geographic diversification to it's project profile (e.g., concluding projects in Romania are in trouble when that is not the case).
On November 23, 2007 the following positions were established:
- E-House (China) Holdings (EJ: NYSE): 100 shares were purchased on the open at $19.65
- San Gold Corp. (SGR.v: Venture Exchange, Canada): 3000 shares were purchased on the open at Canadian $1.30. The exchange rate opened that morning at 1.0145. Thus the position will be established with a US basis share price equivalent per share of US$1.319
- China Mobile (CHL: NYSE): 120 shares were purchased on the open at $84.07 per share
- China Life (LFC:NYSE): 120 shares were purchased on the open at $82.00
- National Oilwell Varco: (NOV: NYSE): 150 shares were purchased on the open at $65.67
- EnCana Corp. (ECA: NYSE): 100 shares were purchased on the open at $66.78
- ABB Ltd. (ABB: NYSE): 200 shares were purchased on the open at $27.06
- Diana Shipping (DSX: NYSE): 200 shares were purchased on the open at $31.50
- CF Industries Holdings (CF: NYSE): 100 shares were purchased on the open at $79.76
- Mosaic Co. (MOS: NYSE): 100 shares were purchased on the open at $60.84
- Potash Corp. (POT: NYSE): 50 shares were purchased on the open at $107.50
- Devon Energy Corp. (DVN: NYSE): 80 shares were purchased on the open at $85.95
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Friday, November 23, 2007
2 Portfolio Additions: San Gold and E-House At the Market Price for Friday, Nov. 23rd
I will add 3000 shares of San Gold at the opening price in Canada today. The Canadian company is an attractive producer with exploration blue sky. The shares trade on the Venture exchange under the ticker SGR, as well as on the OTC under SGRCF.
I will also add 100 shares of E-House (China) Holdings Limited (EJ: NYSE). E-House owns China's real estate multi-listing service, a tremendous asset for leveraging it's overall release services offering. The shares went public in an IPO earlier this year and have witnessed a massive correction in the last few weeks. The fall is excessive. The shares may keep falling, but establishing an initial position of 100 shares for now is perfectly acceptable -- falling knife be dammed. I believe there's a very good chance the stock will bounce this Friday and we just hit the low. But if I'm wrong, I will dollar cost average at a later date.
The next update will include detailed profiles.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Portfolio Additions And Summary
- China Mobile (CHL:NYSE): 120 shares
- China Life (LFC:NYSE): 120 shares
- National Oilwell Varco (NOV: NYSE): 150 shares
- EnCana Corp.: (ECA:NYSE) 100 shares
- Devon Energy (DVN: NYSE): 80 shares
- ABB Ltd. (ABB: NYSE): 200 shares
- Diana Shipping (DSX: NYSE): 200 shares
- CF Industries Holdings (CF: NYSE): 100 shares
- Mosaic Co. (MOS: NYSE): 100 shares
- Potash Corp. (POT: NYSE): 50 shares
Portfolio Summary: November 19, 2007 (click to enlarge)

Profile, Disclosure, Compliance and Disclaimer: Click Here
Monday, November 19, 2007
Model Portfolio Update: 2 New Companies
- Carpathian Gold, Inc. (CPN.Vancouver): Buy 4000 shares at market open in Canada and convert price to US$ for portfolio tracking purposes. The company's shares can be traded in the US via the OTC ticker CPNFF.
- Exmin Resources (EXM.Vancouver): Buy 10,000 shares at market open in Canada and convert price to US$ for portfolio tracking purposes. The company's shares can be traded in the US via the OTC ticker EXMIN.
Carpathian Gold is developing attractive properties in Romania. Investors have widely considered the shares risky due to the problems experienced by fellow Canadian mine developer Gabriel Resources. But it's unfair to paint both companies with the same brush. Carpathian will not use cyanide and to date, there has been no indication from the Romanian government or local constituents that Carpathian's plans are at risk. Gabriel Resources is a high profile situation given the size of the resource and the fact that the NGO community has sought to shut the company down. Gabriel Resources' problems offer an opportunity for investors to buy Carpathian at fire sale prices. Carpathian has established an initial 43-101 Canadian compliant resource estimate for it's Colnic and Rovina projects, showing an indicated 1.82 million ounces of gold equivalent and a total inferred equivalent of 3.69 million ounces. Geologists that have reviewed the property believe the company will be able to prove-up more ounces, perhaps well past five million. But even with back-of-napkin numbers, using 3 million ounces of gold equivalent, the stock trades at a valuation of less than US$37 per ounce of gold. (Assumptions: 147.6 million fully diluted share capital, a stock price of C$0.74 times 1.02 for a US$ $111,408,480 market cap, divided by 3 million ounces). Not all ounces are equal, of course! In Carpathian's case, political risk aside, they have what looks to be low cost, economically viable projects. While one can find Jr. mining companies with lower gold-based valuations, it's quite difficult to find companies with advanced stage resources proven to be both large and highly likely to be economically viable to mine. Were it not for the political situation, Carpathian would easily trade at prices between two and three times the current quote. This provides the patient investor an arbitrage opportunity. Over time, as Carpathian moves past milestones, the shares should advance strongly.
EXMIN Resources: I profiled EXMIN Resources in a previous post. Please see that write-up for more information. The shares have drifted lower once again on the back of tax loss selling and the current quote represents a fantastic entry point for patient investors. The news flow with joint venture partners will be strong over the coming months and the shares will respond, moving higher.
Each order executed as planned. The portfolio now holds the following:
- 400 Agnico-Eagle Mines shares bought at $50.00
- 200 Petrobras shares bought at $100
- 350 Suntech Power Holdings shares bought at $63.75
- 2000 Pediment Exploration Shares, bought at C$3.07
The Pediment Explorations position will be carried at a cost basis of US$6,311.92. This is derived by multiplying the opening trade on Nov. 15th (C$3.07) by 2000 shares and then multiplying by the Canadian/Dollar exchange rate of 1.028, which was both the high and opening rate of exchange for that day (see chart below).
For each position, a flat rate commission of $10 will be subtracted from cash and added to the cost basis. The Investor Intelligentsia model portfolio will be as close to "real world" as this format permits.
November 15th Canadian/Dollar Exchange Rates (click graphic to enlarge):
Profile, Disclosure, Compliance and Disclaimer: Click Here
Thursday, November 15, 2007
DUBIN MISSIVE: Money Markets Break The Buck; Ben Bernanke Is A Liar - and more....
This will be another installment of "the newsletter before the newsletter." The muse struck, so here I write.
In this missive:

Stock Market Action This Week
Did I tell you I was thinking of getting a dog? No, really. In fact, hanging out with one like this
might help me get into the minds of average fund managers! Agreed?

Whatever happens, some elements of the end-game are indeed perceivable. Having a healthy allocation to gold, silver and assets that perform well under conditions of high inflation are an absolute necessity in today's world. It just so happens that many hard asset related investments can be justified for reasons above and beyond the credit crisis. For example, a heavy exposure to energy and alternative energy investments is a sound portfolio decision for a variety of reasons beyond the scope of this particular letter.
$200,000 Model Portfolio Launch
The following orders are now "live" and in place before the market open:
- Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. (AEM.NYSE): Buy 400 shares at a limit price of $50, good until canceled.
- Petroleo Brasileiro - aka "Petrobras" (PBR.NYSE): Buy 200 shares at a limit price of $100, good until canceld
- Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd. (STP.NYSE): Buy 350 shares at a limit price of $63.75, good until canceled
- Pediment Exploration LTD (PEZ.V): Buy 2000 shares at the open in Canada, and convert basis price to US Dollars for tracking purposes; OTC shares trade in the US under the ticker PEZFF
Agnico-Eagle is a fabulous company. We profiled them in an earlier message when they were trading in the $30s. With the rise in gold and our expectation that 2008 will see gold trading in four digit price territory, Agnico-Eagle remains an attractive core holding for exposure to gold. They are a midtier producer with sufficient size to be attractive to institutional investors. But unlike larger gold companies suffering from questionable ability to grow reserves, Agnico-Eagle will be bringing new mines into production in the coming years, and management has proven to be effective at keeping costs low - not easy in the current mining environment, what with rising energy costs and shortages of key resources ranging from skilled engineers to equipment. Earlier comments on Agnico-Eagle can be read here.
Petrobras is the national oil and gas company of Brazil. By any metric, it ranks among the largest oil companies in the world. However, not all oil majors have rapidly expanding reserves. In fact, it's not well appreciated by average investors that companies like Exxon, Shell and BP face tremendous challenges increasing their reserve life indices. The more well known publicly traded majors also have production sharing agreements with host countries that have percentage royalties that escalate as the price of crude rises. In specific cases, it actually is in the interest of these companies to see LOWER oil prices! As a state-sponsored entity with the majority of its assets in Brazil, Petrobras does not face quite as many onerous production sharing agreements. The company also has a number of stellar attributes, including an extensive deep water drilling technology and highly prospective regions for exploration off the coast of Brazil. Recently, the company announced the discovery of a light grade oil field estimated to hold between four and eight billion barrels. This news set the NYSE ADR shares soring to just under the $120 mark, only to see the fall just as rapidly as oil prices corrected toward $90 WTI on a cash basis. There will be more discoveries announced in the months and years ahead. The basis Petrobras is exploring is one of the last regions on earth where new large fields are likely to be found. The shares are a compelling value for long-term energy bulls and simultaneously offer diversification away from US-based political risk. Unfortunately, there is likely more political risk holding a company like Exxon than Petrobras.
Suntech Power is the largest Chinese manufacturer of solar panels. They have the scale economies, industry relationships and technology to remain a player for well into the next decade. In this booming industry, that's not a trivial consideration. They are not technology leaders in specific applications such as "thin film" panels, but their product breadth and manufacturing economies have earned them growing market share. They have long-term contracts with silicon suppliers, and they have invested in integrated solar products (solar cell technology developed as part of actual building materials such as roof shingles). Suntech represents the best value among solar companies. Even though the shares have witness a significant move and both trailing and forward price-to-earnings ratios are not cheap, the shares are still attractively valued relative to the explosive earnings growth the company should generate. Other companies like SunPower and First Solar are attractive, but their valuations are nestled around the flight paths of migratory birds. We will review and consider other solar companies in the future. For now, a clear investment case can be made for SunTech
Pediment Exploration: Mark Twain once quipped, a mine was nothing more than "a hole in the ground owned by a liar." The mining industry has come a long way since the 1800s, but the sad fact is that the vast majority of exploration companies never graduate to the stage of mine developers or take-out candidates. Pediment is likely on the way to proving the exception to this rule. They have multiple projects in Mexico and more than one chance of bringing a mine operation into production. Throughout the summer, Pediment reported outstanding drill results at its San Antonio gold project in Baja, California. Results including a drill hole with 1.64 grams per tone gold over 152 meters. There's no doubt they have found an economically minable resource. It's just a question of how big it will be. Gary Freeman, President & CEO, beams when he describes the project in an interview with Al Korelin and Jay Taylor. But Pediment isn't a one trick pony. The company recently announced the purchase of "La Colorada," a gold and silver property in Sonora State, Mexico. It was a high grade underground mine in the 1800s that was shut down following the Mexican Revolution. Eldorado gold re-worked the mine between 1993 and 2000 but low gold prices halted that effort. Eldorado estimated another 450,000 ounces remained (estimate not in compliance with modern Canadian standards), and Pediment's management believes much more gold can be proved-up. They now control an option to acquire a 100% interest in the project, including infrastructure and a processing plant, by investing $1.1 million initially, and another $1.8 over the course of two years. This is a relatively low risk exploration and re-development operation that has a high probability of delivering high value cash flow and low costs. Excitement surrounding the San Antonio project pushed the shares well into the C$1 to C$2 and change range. Today, Pediment is bouncing at about C$3 and attempting to move higher. As investors come to appreciate development work at "La Colorada" and other projects in the Pediment stable, the shares should perform strongly.
Profile, Disclosure, Compliance and Disclaimer: Click Here
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Profile, Disclosure, Compliance and Disclaimer!
Investor Intelligentsia provides financial market commentary drawn upon a wide variety of disciplines. Eric Dubin serves as executive editor. Mr. Dubin is an independent buy-side analyst and portfolio manager based in San Francisco, California. He managed the "Tech Stalker" "Strategy Lab" portfolio for MSN Money for over two years, and served as the lead communications and end markets analyst and managing editor for INFRASTRUCTURE, the first technology-focused financial securities letter published on the internet. He can be reached by sending an email to "Eric" at the internet domain ("eric" and the domain name are separated here to prevent automated spam email address harvesting - just combine the two when addressing).
If a security is profiled for inclusion or removal within a portfolio hosted by Investor Intelligentsia, neither Investor Intelligentsia nor its principals will trade said security during the three days prior to the date of profile publication, nor during the three days following date of profile publication. This compliance rule will also apply to securities that happen to be the "substantive" focus of Investor Intelligentsia articles or research reports published herein, where "substantive" is defined as going beyond the mere reporting of events in the financial markets during any given week where specific securities are mentioned in said reportage. Following the passage of the three-day rule, it should be assumed that securities held within Investor Intelligentsia model portfolios or mentioned favorably by Investor Intelligentsia or its principals may be held by Investor Intelligentsia principals.
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All data and information contained or referenced at Investor intelligentsia has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but there is no guarantee as to completeness or accuracy. Any opinions expressed herein are statements of our judgment as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice.
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Information in foregoing discussions contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). In particular, when used in the preceding discussion, the words "plan," "confident that," "believe," "scheduled," "expect," or "intend to," and similar conditional expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements subject to the safe harbor created by the Act. Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties and actual results could differ materially from those expressed in any of the forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, future events and the financial performance of companies profiled which are inherently uncertain and actual events and/or results may differ
Monday, October 29, 2007
Starting Model Portfolios Long After A Bounce: A True Test Of Investor Accumen
On August 20th, 2007 it was clear to me that an important bottom had been set with the August 16th fear driven spike-down capitulation low. The carnage in the broad averages were in keeping with a standard correction. But what was most telling was the profound damage seen in stocks related to the natural resource sector, emerging markets and small capitalization shares in general. It was quite common to see shares having lost 20 to 50 percent of their value over the course of the previous 30 trading days, with a capitulation spike bottom marked on August 16th. These are the signals one looks for when navigating a correction. Certainly, the Fed's surprise 50 basis point cuts to the Federal Funds Rate and Discount Rate on August 17th played a major role in solidifying the bottom, but shares in the most volatile sectors were already making their way back up late in the day after the early morning capitulation spike bottom low.
Now, if I was smart, I would have launched Investor Intelligentsia on Monday, August 20th, and loaded up model portfolios with my favorite down and out shares. No such luck. I was tending to my own portfolio and the needs of my clients. The easy money off that correction represented some 40% moves, on average, for my favorite stocks. Nevertheless, the challenge coming later to the markets during this ongoing "credit crunch" period provides Investor Intelligentsia with all the more opportunity to exhibit superior market investing agility.
I would like to add some content developed immediately following the August 16th bottom, however. The material below is posted on a Yahoo members group and can be accessed with permission of the moderator. I find it helpful to review both mistakes and correct calls. Analysis of core fundamentals is crucial when a huge correction is underway. The below is but one example, using the gold sector and two companies for illustration.